Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Goals of Al Qaeda

Here are the stated goals of Al Qaeda:
1. Remove US forces from Saudi Arabia. (In 2001, there were about 4,500 US troops there. Today, about 500 remain.)
2. Remove all foreign armies from all Muslim countries.
3. Destroy Israel and control Jerusalem.
4. Overthrow Arab regimes.
5. Establish a caliphate (a spiritual and secular ruler of the Islamic state.)

It is clear that Israel is an important issue to our enemy. However, most Muslims believe Al Qaeda is not focused enough against Israel. Iran especially clashes with the US over the conflict of Israel. I believe that tension with Iran would drop significantly if the US ceased support of Israel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

al quiada also wants al andalus back

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al Qaeda wants the entire world to acquiesce to Islam, you stupid fux -- it doesn't matter whether you're Jewish or Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or atheist.

If you go with the left, go against Israel, oppose the United States, scream your praises of the Koran, whatever, in the end if Islam wins, you will be a slave or dead.

What a stupid website!!!!

2:07 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Typical responses which I presume are from uneducated, ignorant Americans. Both Al Qaeda and 9/11 are not the reason for American policies they are the result of it.

2:48 AM  
Blogger seth r said...

Michael --

Islam has not been singling out America -- it has been carrying out attacks all over the world, even in countries that have nothing to do with the U.S. or Israel. Indonesia, the Phillipines, Russia, Spain and England to name a few, their citing American policies is merely a taqqiyah excuse to hide what amounts to a global jihad whose goal is to carry out their religious command for world domination. This jihad has been going on for 14 centuries.

Today's technology, weapons availability and fast global transportation have enabled the increase in activity.

Islam, which means "submission", is more than a religion, it is a political system that does not tolerate anything it does not preach. What other religion goes on murderous rampages over a few cartoons or a Pope quoting a centuries old writing?

The United States represents all that Islam deplores -- freedom of worship and freedom of speech among the top two items and we have the power to militarily defend these rights, that is why we are a primary target. Even if Israel didn't exist and we had no troops in the Mideast or Southwest Asia, we would still be considered the enemy by Islam.

You need to wake up and smell the knishes (mmmm, knishes) guy, because if G-d forbid Islam ever wins domination over where you live, it doesn't matter how much you've supported their arguments, an infidel is still an infidel.

Do you know what a dhimmi is? I'd suggest looking it up.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

"What other religion goes on murderous rampages over a few cartoons or a Pope quoting a centuries old writing?"

It's not Islam that illegally invaded another country in March 2003 that has now caused the premature deaths of 650,000. It wasn't Islam that insisted that UN Sanctions continue against Iraq even though all reports mentioned that it had caused 1.3 MILLION deaths, it was of course the USA perhaps you will recall Mad. Albright saying the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children were "worth it".
It wasn't Islam that caused over 30 million deaths in Bolshevik/Communist Soviet Union is was actually the Jews more than anyone. It wasn't Islam that caused two major world wars in the 20th century resulting in the deaths of at least 100 million people.
I'm not a Muslim, but frankly claiming Islam is a religion of aggression shows a complete disregard for history and a certain amount of racism. It's Christian/Zionist extremists who are the biggest danger to the world.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

"an infidel is still an infidel."

On the other hand a goyim is still a goyim and one thing is for sure, the Zionist Jews love playing off one against another.

2:05 PM  
Blogger seth r said...

Michael --

How convenient it must be for you to forget that 9/11 occurred more than a year and a half prior to our invading Iraq. The attacks on U.S. embassies and the USS Cole in the 1990s, as well as the earlier WTC bombing... were they also a result of the our invasion of Iraq? How about the seizing of our embassy in Teheran in the late 1970s? A result of Iraq?

How about all the Islamic terrorism in places like Southeast Asia, or in the Phillipines, where it has been going on for well over a century? Was that because they knew that the U.S. would one day invade Iraq?

Yeah, you guys just go on living in your own private Idaho, LOL.

heh heh heh....

Iraq is an excuse, pure and simple.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

How convenient it must be for you to forget that 9/11 occurred more than a year and a half prior to our invading Iraq.

Sorry but the world didn't start turning on 9/11. Between 1991 and 1996 the USA had killed over 1.3 million Iraqis by insisting that the UN Sanctions remain in place. As for your list of other incidents, they are all minor compared with the involvement of the USA in mass genocide.
The only surprise about 9/11 is why it took so long to happen.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael --

Interestingly enough, the NYT is just now admitting to knowledge that Saddam was close to completion of the development of a nuclear weapons program.

Given his instability and his hatred of America, I assume, from your own hatred of anything non-terrorist that you would believe we should have simply allowed him to have the weapons and deploy them against us.

Wow, you are one extreme person!

11:06 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I hate terrorists even more than you particularly the IDF who are now committing terrorist acts on a daily basis.
There's no evidence at all that Saddam was developing a nuclear weapons program even the US State Dept has reluctantly admitted that.
I'm not the slightest bit interested in myths invented by the US media.

1:20 AM  

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